Tuesday, August 25, 2009

??Are you Curious??

Why I chose to put a picture of basketballs is because, for one I play basketball and for two basketball has been a big part of my life forever. Whenever I was younger my dad always tried to teach me how to shot and as I got older I realized he taught me all wrong haha. But I totally love that he tried!!

I have always loved to Dance but I was always afraid I wasn't good enough for the high school dance team. So one of my best friends tried out for dance and she made it. About two months later she asked if I'd try out because they wanted one for senior. So guess what?? I MADE IT!!

Why I put a deer is because my boyfriend is a huge deer hunter and I love to go with him. We get all dressed up in camo and then out to the woods :) Hopefully this year this little guy will be on my wall!!

Why I have this random guy with camera is well I really want to be a photographer. I want to be able to caption all the little images in the picture that people usually don't look at. Now all thanks to Mrs. Sims I can actually get some practice and take pictures of our high school sports :)


Simsbumponablog said...

Gasp! You mentioned my name! LOL! (It's okay. I'm over 21. SHH! Don't tell anyone.)

Good descriptions and choices of pictures. Love the comment about your dad. You didn't cite your sources, though. Go back and do that!

Grade: B

[*whitley.]] <3 said...

Boyfriend!? Boyfriend!? Amber *** ****** I would so be reciting your full name if it were aloud. This better be an OLD post!

Simsbumponablog said...

Nice job on your links. When the WNBA was forming, my niece was invited to join (She's 6'2" and was a big bball star in hs and college.) They wanted her to move out west somewhere and she didn't want to be that far away from home, so she turned them down.

I'm sorry you had to comment on the blog of someone you aren't "fond" of, but you handled it well. I appreciate the fact that you didn't whine and gripe like some did.

Grade: A

PS. How did the Accuplacer go?

michael said...

Thats a very odd combination green and pink

michael said...

you have set up a very interesting design and color not bad though.

[*whitley.]] <3 said...

I know! We need to go again! I love that place. Whenever you are not with Zac and I'm not with Bryan we need to plan it sometime!